Ernest Hemingway

I myself have never read any of Ernest Hemingway’s books and neither have I fully known his biography, but according to many people and, he was a rather inspirational author. Hemingway, who wrote short novels  “A Farewell to Arms” and “The Old Man and the Sea“, was a Nobel prize author who was born at the turn of the 19th century in 1899. His passion for writing began at a rather early age, which probably determined his career in the future. When he was in high school, he took part in the school newspaper, and right after he graduated, he worked for local papers such as Kansas City Star. Not long after he graduated, he was sent to the fronts of World War I as an ambulance driver, which soon became a reason for writing one of his most famous works, “A Farewell to Arms“. The fact that he survived the war (although being injured as an ambulance driver) and even had the gut to write about it brings inspiration, because many who are traumatized either keep to themselves or slowly go insane. After the war he met and married Hadley Richardson, and they moved to Paris. Mr. Hemingway, while in Paris, became a “Lost Generation” author: the same category to which  F. Scott Fitzgerald and Pablo Picasso belonged. This group of authors wrote in new and avant-garde styles which were different from the usual traditions of the 19th century. Ernest Hemingway’s style was writing small novels, but concise and to the point. Throughout his life, Ernest Hemingway also survived World War Two, survived plane crashes,  hunted for big-game in Africa,  deep-sea dived in Florida, and bullfighted in Florida: all either extremely adventurous and/or  frightening events which probably constituted to his writing style and novels. Sadly, he divorced his wife, which most likely led to his depression which took over his life and killed him. He moved from Paris to Idaho, and put an end to his life in the town of Ketchum. Although Ernest Hemingway committed suicide, he is definetely someone to look up to because he lived his life dangerously but at the same time maintained an intelligence which allowed him to write many beautiful works.

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